Professional Activities Support

The Professional Activities Support Department was established by the transformation of the Information Technology Center and the PR Department, ie workplaces that work with information technologies.

The department is responsible not only for the administration of the computer network and all related technology and services at the Faculty of Management, but also for all audiovisual, press and publishing services. Subsection, the PR department, is in charge of both internal and external communication of the Faculty of Management.


Zdenek Brus
Print and audiovisual services
zdenek.brus@vse.cz563+420 384 417 231
Michal Hajdik
Public relations
michal.hajdik@vse.cz563+420 384 417 209
Michal Kadlec
Head of the department
IT support
michal.kadlec@vse.cz562+420 384 417 115
Jiri Pribil, Ph.D.
Systems Integrator
jiri.pribil@vse.cz304+420 384 417 204