The Prague University of Economics and Business hosted more than 100 guests at the International Conference On Research In Advertising ICORIA 2022

23 Jun
25 Jun

More than 100 guests from all over the world attended the 20th International Conference On Research In Advertising (ICORIA 2022), which took place on 23-25 June 2022 at the Prague University of Economics and Business. Under the theme Frontiers of Advertising: Re-considering Its Shapes and Forms, the conference has been organized by the Faculty of Management and the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics and has shown the participants new perspectives on various fields of advertising research.

The conference hosted participants from a total of 16 countries around the world, including world-renowned experts in the field of marketing and marketing communications, such as Charles R. Taylor, Patrick De Pelsmacker and Martin Eisend and also the editors of the world’s leading journals in advertising research, the International Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Interactive Advertising, Journal of Advertising and Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising.

During three days, all conference visitors could listen to 81 presentations in a total of 4 parallel sessions. These were arranged in thematic units in order to offer the participants as much variety as possible and at the same time to simplify the orientation in the large number of research topics. A programme for PhD students was also an integral part of the conference. During the doctoral colloquium, they had the opportunity to learn about non-traditional approaches to data collection in the social networking environment and their interpretation, to discuss the issue of ethics in science and research or to experience how the so-called section chair works.

In addition to the parallel sessions, a keynote lecture was prepared for the participants in cooperation with Nielsen Admosphere. Representatives of the company, Tereza Šimečková and Michal Jordán, gave visitors an insight into the AdCross project in their lecture on The Czech Adventures of AdCross – aka How to measure the reach of TV advertising and its other characteristics on all platforms together?

The conference was held under the auspices of the European Advertising Academy and with the support of the General Partner of VŠE, Česká spořitelna, a.s.


Organizing team from Faculty of Management

Daria Gunina
Michal Novák
Michal Hajdík
Tomáš Kincl
Studenti FM VŠE

Organizing team from Faculty of Informatics and Statistics

Jakub Fischer
Petr Mazouch
Studenti FIS VŠE

The Prague University of Economics and Business hosted more than 100 guests at the International Conference On Research In Advertising ICORIA 2022