Terms for the Academic Year 2025/2026

Bachelor study programmes

Study programmeStandard length of the study programmeMaximum number of students acceptedForm of study
Management3 years300
(both forms combined)
combined *
Process management3 years50full-time

*) In the combined form of study, the course takes place in the form of four workshops each semester, on Fridays, Saturdays and also on Sundays.

Terms for the Academic Year 2024/2025

To be admitted to a bachelor’s degree programme, applicants are legally required to have completed secondary education by passing a final exam (maturitní zkouška).

Applicants provide certified copies of their diplomas as proof that they have achieved this level of education. Applicants who have obtained international secondary education by graduating from a secondary education programme at a secondary school abroad, an international secondary school, a European school regulated by the Convention Defining the Statute of the European Schools or a school that obtained permission to provide compulsory education from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic in accordance with the Education Act provide the following documents as proof that they have achieved this level of education: a certified copy of a foreign certificate of completed secondary education, a certified translation of this certificate to either Czech or English and confirmation from the foreign secondary school or another competent foreign body stating that graduates of the secondary education programme at the respective foreign secondary school are eligible to enrol in a bachelor’s degree programme in that country.

Proof of recognition of equivalence or validity of the foreign certificate of completed secondary education in the Czech Republic (nostrification) is only required if the Faculty of Management challenges the adequacy of the level, extent or content of the education programme completed by the applicant in another country according to the submitted certificate and requests that the applicant submits proof of nostrification of his or her education. As a university with institutional accreditation, Prague University of Economics and Business has the right to waive the requirement to submit proof of nostrification of foreign education under sections 48 (4) to (6) of the Higher Education Act and instead assess the applicant’s foreign education as a part of the admission procedure to judge whether it meets the legal requirements for enrolment in the study programme. Further instructions are available at https://edu.vse.cz/.

The entrance exam will be waived for applicants who graduated from a secondary school in the Czech or Slovak Republic and who passed a test from Czech or Slovak as part of their final exam if they duly apply for one of the bachelor’s degree programmes at the Faculty of Management, Prague University of Economics and Business and at the same time meet at least one of the following conditions:

  • they (no later than 30 april 2025) provide a certified copy of their mid-year report from the last year of secondary school and all mid-year and final report from the penultimate year of secondary school and the overall grade average from these reports is lower than 1.90 (incl.);
  • they have taken the General Academic Prerequisities test (test Obecných studijních přepokladů in the Czech Republic or Všeobecných študijných predpokladov in Slovakia), organised by Scio s.r.o. as a part of the National Comparative Exams (Národní srovnávací zkoušky in the Czech Republic, Národné porovnávacie skúšky in Slovakia), in the 2024/2025 academic year and have ranked in the top 50% (i.e. achieved an adjusted or “harmonised” percentile of at least 50);
  • they have passed the elective final exam in Advanced Mathematics with a grade from “excellent” to “good”;
  • they have taken the mock entrance exam organised by the Prague University of Economics and Business for bachelor’s degree programmes applicants in 2024 and scored at least 75 % of the total number of points.

Furthermore, the dean of the Faculty of Management may decide to waive the entrance exam requirement for individual students who achieved excellent results in student competitions recognised by the faculty.

Applicants who do not meet any of the conditions for waiving the entrance exam in accordance with section 1 shall provide officially certified copies of the mid-term report from their last year of secondary school and the mid-term and final report from the penultimate year of secondary school. The decision criterion for admission is then evaluated from the overall average of all grades, recalculated according to the formula 100 – ((average-1) × 30).

All applicants who have not studied at a secondary school in the Czech or Slovak Republic and who did not pass a test from Czech or Slovak as a part of their final exam must pass the test from General Academic Prerequisites (GAP) within the National Comparative Exams organised by Scio s.r.o. The decision criterion for admission will be the average percentile achieved from the tests.

The admission according to 2a and 2b is then decided by the ranking of the applicants compiled jointly according to the above decision criteria, separately for each bachelor’s degree programme and form of study. The number of applicants admitted according to this order will be as high as the financial policy of the Czech republic towards the Ministry of Higher Education and the capacities of the Faculty of Management and the Prague University of Economics and Business allow.

All students who have duly applied by the set deadline will receive a Decision on Admission by email and by post. Admitted applicants must then enrol in their study programme in due form.

The date for enrolment will be indicated in the Decision on Admission and the enrollment will be taken in an on-line form.

If any of the admitted applicants choose not to enrol, their places may be allocated to some of the applicants who were not admitted due to insufficient capacity and who filed an application to have this decision reviewed.

The deadline for submitting an application in the first round of the admission procedure is 30 April 2025.

Applications must be submitted online at https://prihlasky.vse.cz/, for each of the selected programmes separately. After submitting their applications, applicants will receive an email with the bank account number and reference number needed to pay the fee charged to cover the expenses related to the admission procedure. The email will be sent to the email address indicated in the application. The fee of 960 CZK can be paid by card using the link in the application records system. Fees for multiple applications cannot be grouped into one payment. Applicants are considered to have duly completed the application process once they have submitted a correctly completed electronic application and the whole of the fee charged has arrived at the designated bank account.

Fees for the admission procedure are not refundable.