Mobility of Ph.D. students
The Doctoral Standard (Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Management No. 6/2017) specifies the further duties of Ph.D. students at the Faculty of Management of the Prague University of Economics and Business, beyond the basic obligations arising from §47 of Act No. 137/2016 Coll., which amends Act No. 111/1998 on Higher Education and on Amendments to Other Acts (Higher Education Act), as amended, and some other laws, and the Study and Examination Regulations of the Prague University of Economics and Business. This standard also stipulates (in accordance with the Higher Education Act) that a student (regardless of the form of study) must complete at least one month of study at a foreign institution or participate in an international creative project with the results published or presented abroad. Alternatively, another form of direct student participation in international cooperation may be chosen.