doc. Ing. Vladislav Bína, Ph.D.
Areas of research
- Data analysis and statistics, knowledge management, methods to support managerial decision making
Sample topics for dissertation theses
- Subjective methods of solving unrepeatable decision-making tasks in management (advanced methods of scenario analysis based on modelling of “rare” events).
- Using alternative approaches for risk modelling in managerial decision making
- Application of innovative (decision-making) approaches for strategic decisions
doc. Ing. Anna Černá, CSc.
Areas of research
- Operational management, mathematics, processes and supply chains
Sample topics for dissertation theses
- Managerial decision-making on the quality and sustainability of transport
- Selected issues on sustainable transport development
- Operational management methods in managerial decision making
doc. Ing. Jiří Dvořák, Ph.D.
Areas of research
strategic management, international management
Sample topics for dissertation theses
Artificial intelligence and its implementation in strategic management
Adoption of artificial intelligence and its impact on sustainability
Corporate social responsibility in supply chains
Competitive advantage and corporate social responsibility
doc. Ing. Ondřej Dvouletý, Ph.D., MSc.
Výzkumné oblasti
Evaluating impacts of public policies to support entrepreneurship, motivation and lifestyle of different types of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship economics
Vzorová témata disertačních prací
Heterogeneous effects of public entrepreneurship and SME policies
Economic effects of non-financial support of entrepreneurship
Economic sustainability of social enterprises and their drivers
Heterogeneity of entrepreneurs and self-employed persons, their motivation and lifestyle
Crowdfunding as a way how to finance a business start-up and its growth
doc. Ing. Tomáš Kincl, Ph.D.
Areas of research
- technology adoption and marketing, consumer behavior, corporate social responsibility and its perception by consumers,
Sample topics for dissertation theses
- Sustainable consumer behavior and its determinants
- Barriers to the adoption of artificial intelligence in small and medium-sized enterprises
- Implementation of artificial intelligence and perception of quality in services
- The impact of artificial intelligence adoption on employee perceptions
- Corporate social responsibility and its influence on consumer perception/behaviour
doc. RNDr. Lenka Komárková, Ph.D.
Areas of research
vocational education and training in organizations, organizational behaviour, HR management in social services and health care
Sample topics for dissertation theses
Identification of mediators and moderators of the relationship between CSR and economic efficiency of healthcare facilities
Relationship among leadership, learning culture, and identification with organization in non-profit sector
Mehmet A. Orhan Ph.D.
Areas of Research:
Critical management studies, organizational studies, organizational behavior, sustainable (academic) careers, employee well-being, the state of academia, as well as remote work, technology use in the workplace, sustainable future of work.
Sample topics for dissertation theses:
To be determined upon agreement with students who are interested in the areas of research as indicated above.
doc. Ing. Adam Pawliczek, Ph.D.
Areas of research
Managerial methods, tools and systems in business practice (especially SMEs)
Management of renewable resources (e.g. PV systems)
Transformation and business performance in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Current strategic business starting points, strategic planning
Management of Sustainable Economy and Balance
Knowledge management, talent management
Sample topics for dissertation theses
Programmable quality and product lifetime
Prospective Trends in Photovoltaic Systems
Self-sufficiency of households and family businesses
Life-cycles of enterprises and business
Technical, economic and managerial topics in the field of raw materials and industry
Aspects of global strategy and management
Business Intelligence, Competitive Intelligence
doc. Ing. Peter Pažitný, Ph.D., MSc
Areas of research
organization and performance of health systems, motivation and regulation in health care, modern payment mechanisms in health care, methods of economic evaluation of health programs, sustainable financing of health systems, management of chronic diseases, management and costs of Alzheimer’s disease, cybersecurity in healthcare, creation of strategic scenarios in healthcare, equity in healthcare financing, the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare
Sample topics for dissertation theses
Nominal insurance as an alternative to financing the health system
Design, parameters and stability of the risk contracts
Applying the value-for-money concept in health policy
Integration of social and healthcare services to improve the care of Alzheimer’s patients
Methodology for creating and evaluating strategic scenarios for a selected stakeholder (health insurance company, provider,…) in the healthcare system
Use of blockchain technology in healthcare
Influence of external factors on equity in healthcare (measured by Kakwani index)
AI tools in chronic disease management (focusing on production factors: labour, capital, and robots)
doc. Ing. Bc. Mojmír Sabolovič, Ph.D.
Areas of research
Financial Management, Economic Analysis of Law, Property Valuation, Non-statistical Modeling, Fuzzy Logic
Sample topics for dissertation theses
Bankruptcy Modelling in Network Economics: Case of IPO with Negative Earnings
Economic Analysis of Rule of Law Efficiency
Corporate Control and Value Destruction
doc. Ing. Jindřich Špička, Ph.D.
Areas of research
- Risk management in agricultural primary production
Sample topics for dissertation theses
- the supervisor prefers a personal agreement with those interested in study
doc. Ing. Petr Štumpf, Ph.D.
Research areas
destination management and marketing, destination competitiveness and sustainability, visitor satisfaction, systems thinking and system dynamics in tourism
Sample topics of PhD thesis
Models for decision making support in destination management and marketing
Customer satisfaction and its determinants in tourism
Social sustainability in a tourism destination
Ing. Jiří Vomlel, Ph.D.
Areas of research
Artificial Intelligence, Probabilistic Graphical Models, Machine Learning, Computerized Adaptive Testing
Sample topics of PhD Thesis
Artificial Intelligence for managerial decision support
Adaptation of user applications to user needs and level
Machine learning methods for obtaining structural knowledge from data