Environmental Dynamics and Resilience in Business
The research group focuses on the interdisciplinary study of environmental phenomena that influence decision-making (managerial) processes, not only in an economic context. New environmental and land-use approaches bring societal challenges that need to be addressed at all levels, including managerial ones. Environmental threats lead to a shift in the social paradigm across society (perceptions and moods -> reflection, sensitivity, and emotional responses – for example, agricultural reactions to the Green Deal).
Insights and trends in environmental and land-use development must be effectively communicated (knowledge transfer) to the relevant stakeholders (business entities and those whose data were used to generate the outputs – as illustrated by the examples of golf courses, microbreweries, and water companies). Specifically, the outputs for golf courses were communicated to the Czech Greenkeepers Association and the Czech Golf Federation. In the case of water utility entities, workshops were repeatedly organized with ČEVAK, the scientific and professional community, representatives of water utility entities, municipalities, technology suppliers, and other stakeholders. These primarily involved small and medium-sized business units.
Sustainability is mentioned cautiously, as it often faces numerous exogenous influences and environmental and land-use limitations that challenge (permanent) growth (although one can speak of development).
Team Members

Ing. Veronika Vašíčková, Ph.D.

doc. Ing. Tomáš Kincl, Ph.D.
Group Goals and Objectives
- Publish studies with an environmental and land-use focus.
- Contribute to a project with a research element emphasizing environmental or land-use aspects, submitted to domestic or international calls.
- Continue communication with entities whose data are utilized in research and subsequent publications (specifically Golf Club Český Krumlov and many others).
Previous Research Outputs
- Haaland, H., Hejzlar, J., Eikebrokk, B., Orderud, G., Paule-Mercado, Ma. C., Porcal, P., Sláma, J., & Vogt, R. D. (2024). Predicting the dissolved natural organic matter (DNOM) concentration and the specific ultraviolet absorption (sUVa) index in a browning central European stream. Ecological Indicators, 24(165), 12 p. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2024.112200.
- Orderud, G., Porcal, P., Eikebrokk, B., Sláma, J., Vogt, R. D., Hejzlar, J., & Haaland, S. (2023). The technological development of drinking water treatment plants in the Czech Republic. Water Policy, 25(9), 889–907. https://doi.org/10.2166/wp.2023.102.
- Moravcová, V., Moravcová, J., Kosová, P., & Sláma, J. (2023). Green Infrastructure in Urban Planning in the Czech Republic. In: Proceedings of 22nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geo-Conference SGEM 2022 (pp. 551-558). Vienna. https://doi.org/10.5593/sgem2022V/6.2/s27.70.
- Sláma, J., Moravcová, J., Humlerová, V., & Moravcová, V. (2022). Residential development in the surroundings of golf courses in the Czech Republic. In: Müller, M., & Slavíčková, P. (Eds.), Conference Proceedings of Knowledge on Economics and Management (KNOWCON 2022) (pp. 162-168). Palacký University Olomouc. https://doi.org/10.5507/ff.22.24462325.
- Kincl, T., Sláma, J., Bystřický, V., Březinová M., & Stejskalová, I. (2022). Microbreweries in the Czech Republic: How does a connection to the local place influence marketing communication? Deturope, 14(2), 45-61. https://doi.org/10.32725/det.2022.013.
- Duchoňová, E., & Sláma, J. (2021). Lokální specifika Jihočeského kraje s ohledem na využívání automobilů s alternativními druhy paliv. Elektro, 55(10), 6-10.
- Duchoňová, E., & Sláma, J. (2021). Uživatelské preference v oblasti elektromobility. Elektro, 55(2), 57-57.
- Sláma, J., Stejskalová, I., Kincl, T., Bystřický, V., Kvítek, T., Fialová, D., & Štych, P. (2020). Golf courses in the Czech Republic: Analysis of the development and socio-economic characteristics. Land Use Policy, 99, 12 pp. (Article nr. 104976). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104976.
- Sláma, J., & Kvítek, T. (2019). Výstavba hřišť na rekultivovaných či revitalizovaných plochách: Revitalizace krajiny. GREEN, 18(1), 30-33.
- Sláma, J., Bystřický, V., Štych, P., Fialová, D., Svobodová, L., & Kvítek, T. (2018). Golf Courses: New phenomena in the landscape of the Czech Republic after 1990. Land Use Policy, 78, 430-446. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.07.001.
Ongoing Projects and Submitted Grant Proposals
„Drinking Water – Preparedness for the Future“ (PID: TO01000202). Collaboration on a successful Czech-Norwegian project between the Hydrobiological Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Oslo Metropolitan University (2021–2024), specifically within Work Package 5 (WP5: Cost-effective and knowledge-based multi-level water governance).
„Sustainable Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) – Development and Sustainable Future of SMEs“ (Proposal No. 101178816 under the HORIZON-CL4-2024-RESILIENCE-01 call). A submitted project proposal (February 2024) in collaboration with five leading university departments across Europe (PL, LT, CZ, FI, UK, and SK), two technology transfer centers, and one leading player in the automotive industry.
„The Role of Water in the Landscape“ (Internal Grant GA JU 081/2016/Z-Rajchard). The project includes the publication by Sláma et al. (2018) in Land Use Policy (Elsevier).