Přednáška dr. Marka Szaruckiho na téma systematic literature review a bibliometrická analýza v managementu /5. 5./

V pátek 5. 5. (10:00, 542) vystoupí prof. Marek Szarucki z Cracow University of Economics. Prof. Szarucki bude prezentovat výsledky svého výzkumu s ohledem na metodologické výzvy systematic literature review a bibliometrické analýzy. Konkrétně se pak bude věnovat tématům:
Bibliometric analysis as a research method in management sciences: Challenges and opportunities
  1. Background to current scientific research
  2. Peculiarities of international scientific collaboration in the field of strategic management
  3. Blind Spots of Evidence in Management Research: Beyond the Reach of Systematic Literature Review
  4. Global and national visibility of management research methodology scholars – the case of Poland
  5. Methodological dilemmas in developing bibliometric reviews in management research
  6. Bibliometric analysis as a tool to explore problems of the methodology of management sciences
  7. Future research collaboration perspectives
Dr hab. Marek Szarucki, PhD
is Associate Professor and head of the Department of Strategic Analysis at the Cracow University of Economics (Poland). In 2019 was a Visiting Researcher at the UCL School of Management (the Bekker scholarship, from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange – NAWA). His scientific interests concentrate on the methodology of management sciences, strategic management, entrepreneurship in the Eastern and Central Europe, and innovations management. He is an author and co-author of peer-reviewed scientific articles and book chapters and a member of the editorial board of several international scientific journals: Journal of Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, Business: Theory and Practice, Journal of Business, Management and Education and Journal of Business Excellence. His international background includes studies, study trips, Summer Schools, international conferences and co-operation with universities in Lithuania, Croatia, Russia, Sweden, UK, USA and Taiwan. He is also a member of the European Academy of Management and the Academy of Management.