Přednášky dr. Ewy Kosycarz a dr. Marie Ekes z Warsaw School of Economics v oblasti health care managementu /21. 4./
Metody měření efektivity řízení zdravotní péče, řízení zdravotnického personálu během pandemie COVID-19 nebo finanční management zdravotnických zařízení během krize. To jsou některé z oblastí výzkumu dr. Ewy Kosycarz a dr. Marie Ekes z Warsaw School of Economics, které budou svá poznání prezentovat v pátek 21. dubna ve 12:30 v místnosti 542 (po doktorském semináři).
Seminář, který proběhne v anglickém jazyce, je určen především pro všechny studenty doktorského studia a všechny akademické pracovníky, je však otevřen i pro širokou odbornou veřejnost.

dr. Ewa Kosycarz
dr. Ewa Kosycarz is an assistant professor at the Treasury Department of the Warsaw School of Economics. She holds Ph.D. in economics in the field of Public Finance; she has also graduated from the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), specialization “biomedical equipment” and holds MBA from the Business School of WUT (joint program with LBS London, HEC Paris, NHH Bergen). She is interested in the efficiency and resilience of health care system, both the macroeconomic outlook and microeconomic perspective. In 2007 she was the advisor to the Secretary of State in the Budget Department of the Prime Minister’s Chancellery. She cooperated with the Ministry of Finance in several projects concerning the state budget: training for government officials from different ministries and public agencies, preparing for the Ministry of Finance list of indicators used in the state performance budget (for several Ministries and public offices), preparing expertise about operating procedures concerning performance budget and management audit. Her research area regards the state budget, public expenditures, and public health system.

dr. Maria Ekes
dr. Maria Ekes is an assistant professor at the Institute of Mathematical Economics of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. She has a Ph.D. in economics in the field of mathematical economics. Maria Ekes graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw. The field of scientific interest of Maria Ekes is game theory and its applications in economics and political sciences. Recently, she also cooperates with Ewa Kosycarz in the research concerning measuring the efficiency of health care systems by means of Data Envelopment Analysis. In 2018 Maria Ekes was a consultant of the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System in the project of the reform of the public medical rehabilitation system.