Autoři z FM VŠE publikovali článek v prestižním časopise International Journal of Information Management
Autoři Michal Lom (za Fakultu managementu Vysoké školy ekonomické v Praze) a Ondřej Přibyl (ČVUT) publikovali článek s názvem Smart city model based on systems theory v prestižním časopise International Journal of Information Management. Jedná se o časopis z druhého decilu v oboru FORD 5.8 Media and communications (IF 2020: 14,098 AIS: 2020 2,040). Článek je dostupný na .
Abstrakt článku: While there are several partial solutions to model some aspects of cities (e.g. transportation or energy), there is no framework allowing modelling of a complex system such as a city. This paper aims on providing a solution that can be used by practitioners to model impact of different scenarios and smart city projects encapsulating different subsystems, such as transportation, energetics or, for example, eGovernment. The term “smart cities” is classified into Systems Theory, particularly focusing on Cyber-Physical Systems. This classification is further elaborated to define a new term, so-called Smart City Agent (SCA). The SCA is considered as the main building block for modelling smart cities. The approach within this paper however stresses the interconnection of different systems within a city. Its’ strength is in better exchange of data and among heterogeneous agents. This information management approach is the missing key in the growing market of partial smart city solutions as it will allow simulation of solutions in complex systems such as a city. The suitability of usefulness of the proposed approach is demonstrated on a use case dealing with charging of electrical vehicles. The results show that the approach is suitable for modelling of dynamic behaviour.
Klíčová slova: ModellingMulti-Agent systemsSMACEFSmart cityIntelligent agent
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