Autoři z FM VŠE publikovali článek v prestižním časopise International Journal of Consumer Studies
Autoři z FM VŠE Klára Šimůnková a Michal Šimůnek publikovali článek s názvem „Gradual Stimulation of Respondents’ Reflexivity: A Research Design for Studying Unreflexive Consumers“ v prestižním časopise International Journal of Consumer Studies. Jedná se o časopis z prvního kvartilu v oboru WoS Business (IF 2021: 7,096 AIS: 2021 0,703). Článek je dostupný na
Abstrakt článku: In interpretive research accounts, reflexivity has been understood primarily in terms of the researcher’s reflexivity, while the respondent’s reflexivity has been considered only marginally. We regard this gap as critical and therefore introduce a research design for the gradual stimulation of respondents’ reflexivity, which we propose as a methodological tool for strengthening research validity. First, to frame our argumentation in the contemporary socio-technological context, we emphasise the need to focus on the respondent’s reflexivity in the onto-epistemological conditions of the hybrid space and posthuman consumer culture, which unprecedentedly eliminate actors’ abilities to monitor their actions reflexively. Second, we present and methodologically examine the Gradual stimulation of respondents’ reflexivity (GSRR) as a 3-phase sequential mixed-method research design for stimulating respondents’ reflexivity. GSRR’s logic is as follows: the questionnaire captures what respondents think they are doing; the digital self-tracking diary captures what they are doing and what they often do not acknowledge (unreflexivity); the interviews use the previous phases’ data to elicit respondents’ reflexivity. Third, we present examples from our research practice to demonstrate the strengthening of data validity elicited from respondents by stimulating their reflexivity. We conclude by outlining the GSRR’s possible future applications and directions.