Autoři z FM VŠE publikovali článek v prestižním časopise Tourism Management Perspectives

Autoři Martin Luštický a Petr Štumpf (oba za Fakultu managementu Vysoké školy ekonomické v Praze) publikovali článek s názvem Leverage Points of Tourism Destination Competitiveness Dynamics v prestižním časopise Tourism Management Perspectives. Jedná se o časopis z druhého kvartilu v oboru FORD 5.2 Economics and Business  (IF 2020: 6,586 AIS: 2020 1,015). Článek je dostupný na

Abstrakt článku: Tourism destination comprises a highly competitive and complex market. This paper integrates the principal factors of destination competitiveness into the Aggregated Model. Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process, it examines the impact of stakeholders‘ activities on the principal factors and related sub-factors. It identifies the factors which can be considerably influenced by stakeholders‘ activities and thus have the potential to become the leverage points of destination competitiveness. However, destination competitiveness is a multi-dimensional concept covering complex relations among the factors of competitiveness. The study exposes such relations by developing a systemic model. It identifies three leverage points that influence the highest number of interrelations in the model. Destination managers can use these points to improve destination competitiveness and its dynamics by focusing cooperation activities with local stakeholders on gathering data and conducting researchundertaking marketing activities, and creating the destination image.

Klíčová slova: Tourism destination competitiveness, Factors of competitiveness, System dynamics, AHP, Stakeholder collaboration


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